Your Calla Lilies in winter are going to consist of digging the rhizome of the plants. Keep in mind that in some areas, like zone 7, Calla Lilies may be left in the ground with added protection over winter and still come back. Thus, you may want to play it safe and dig them up.
When should you dig calla lilies?
The best time when to dig calla lilies is right after the frost has killed the foliage. This will ensure that your calla lilies have stored all the nutrients they can to survive the winter.
Can calla lilies survive winter?
If you live in USDA plant hardiness zone 8 or higher, your calla lilies can survive the winter outdoors in the ground and do not need to be dug up. Winter care for calla lily plants in the ground in warm climates is simply to mulch the spot where the calla lilies grow in the winter and stop watering the spot for the winter.
Winter Care for Calla Lily Plants in Colder Climates If you live in zones 7 or lower, calla lilies will not survive the winter cold and so your winter care for calla lily plants will be different than for warm climates. Your calla lily care in winter will consist of digging the rhizome of the plants.
Tender varieties of Calla may thrive better as seasonal outdoor plants, relocated inside for winter, or as houseplants. If you want your flowers to bloom especially early, try container planting in December. Keep the plant indoors at a cool room temperature in a light place such as on a window ledge.
How do you take care of a calla lily in winter?
This is important to calla lily care in winter because it allows the outer skin of the rhizome to toughen up and will help it survive the winter. This is called curing. After the calla lily rhizomes have dried, place them in a paper bag or wrap them in newspaper. Store them in a cool, dry place, somewhere that stays around 50 F.
How do you save a dying calla lily?
Move the pot to a cool dark area after the foliage withers away and stop watering your Calla lily for three months and avoid cutting the foliage until it has withered away. You are able to consider keeping your Calla Lilies outside if you live in a mild climate.
You could be thinking “How to winterize calla lily bulbs?”
My favorite answer is usually, Calla Lily bulbs prefer a warm climate. Please cut the withered foliage back to 3 inches above ground level. After that, dig up the Calla Lily bulb carefully. It contains all the essential nutrients which help Calla Lily to survive in winter. Please be sure to dig a much wider hole than you think you need to.
Why are my calla lilies not performing well?
If you find that you are in a much warmer climate and your calla lilies are not performing well, you may want to follow the directions below for storing calla lily rhizome for winter. It may be that your calla lilies are not getting enough dormancy and storing them will provide that for them.