How to care for a peace lily indoors?

How to Grow and Care for Peace Lilies
Place plants in bright, indirect light. Plant peace lilies in Miracle-Gro® Indoor Potting Mix for great results. Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. A month after planting, feed plants with Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food. Repot when the plant’s roots have completely outgrown its container. Be on the lookout for problems and address them as they come up.

This is the same temperature range that we commonly maintain in our homes and other indoor environments, which is one of the reasons peace lily houseplants are so easy to care for. Just make sure your peace plant is not exposed to cold drafts from exterior doors and windows.

You could be thinking “Where should I place a peace lily in my house?”

Tips to help you find an ideal spot for your peace lily are:

Keep the plant near a window with sufficient light. Make sure the window has curtains or blinds. Relocate the plant if it is not doing well in a spot. Mist the peace lily multiple times a week or install a humidifier. Maintain the ideal temperature levels. Keep away from hot and cold drafts, dry air of the AC, furnace, fireplace, or other heat sources.

Set your peace lily 6-8 feet away from a window that lets in some sunlight during the day. Or place it a bit closer to a sunny window with sheer curtains.

How often to water a peace lily?

If its leaves and flowers are drooping or turning brown, your peace lily needs water. Although the drooping can be dramatic, don’t worry, your plant will return to normal with proper water requirements. If there is a pattern of droopiness, try to anticipate it, and water your plant a day before the drooping is expected to happen., and more items.

Peace lilies should be generously watered roughly once per week. They often require less water in the winter, and more in the summer. Be sure to soak the soil with an ample amount of water during each watering. Allow the soil to dry out in between waterings. Peace lilies can take a large amount of water per watering, so be sure to soak the soil.

What is the Best Lighting for a peace lily?

Peace lilies prefer bright shade conditions, meaning they should be placed in a well-lit location that doesn’t receive direct sunlight. Set your peace lily 6-8 feet away from a window that lets in some sunlight during the day. Or place it a bit closer to a sunny window with sheer curtains.

When to repot peace lily?

A very root-bound plant should be repotted. If your peace lily has root rot, treat it, and then replant it in a new pot with new soil. Repot peace lilies once each year.

One question we ran across in our research was “Does my peace lily need repotting?”.

While peace lilies aren’t fussy about care, they will require repotting at some point in their lifetime. This is indicated by problems with root growth or simply by age. Take a look at these signs to know when it’s the right time to repot your peace lily.

What kind of soil do peace lilies like?

In nature, peace lilies grow in rainforest soils that are well draining and enriched by lots of decaying matter. So for peace lily houseplants, use a loamy, well-draining potting mixture that’s rich in organic matter.