Tom and Daisy’s relationship was solely based upon money and social status. Their relationship lacked true love, happiness and respect for one another. Daisy was just an object to Tom and Tom was just a man who could provide Daisy with the lavish and extravagant lifestyle that she was accustomed to.
What is the relationship between Daisy and Tom like?
Both Daisy and Tom are only concerned about themselves and disappear once issues arise. They are both complicit in the deaths of three characters and skip town following Myrtle’s accident. Nick’s experiences and interactions with Tom and Daisy give him insight into their selfish, reckless way of life.
They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made ( Fitzgerald, 191 ).
Why does Daisy marry Tom not Gatsby?
Daisy chose to marry Tom because of his wealth and power. Although Gatsby could offer Daisy romance, love, excitement and intrigue, her need for security freedom and money made her eventually choose Tom. In terms of security, Tom could offer much more than Gatsby.
Another popular query is “Why does Gatsby fail to convince Daisy to leave Tom?”.
The most usefull answer is; Gatsby fails to convince Daisy Buchanan to leave her husband, Tom, because Tom reveals how Gatsby made his fortune. Daisy tells Tom that she is going to leave him, but then Tom says he found out Gatsby and his crony, Meyer Wolfsheim, purchased a bunch of drug-stores so that they could sell grain alcohol over the counter.
A common inquiry we ran across in our research was “Why does Gatsby insist that Daisy never loved Tom?”.
This is what we stumbled across. because that is a crucial piece to his vision of he and Daisy being together, that there was never an interruption in their love. What happens on the way home from New York? Daisy hits Mrytle and kills her. How does Tom react to the death of Myrtle? He is shocked and blames Gatsby.
Why does nick call tom and daisy careless?
Nick refers to Tom and Daisy Buchanan as careless people because he’s witnessed them ruin lives and simply disappear by hiding behind their wealth. Throughout the course of the summer, Nick Carraway witnessed Tom Buchanan manipulate George Wilson and carry on an affair with his wife behind his back.
Another inquiry we ran across in our research was “How does Nick conclude that Tom and Daisy were careless people?”.
Let us find out. nick concludes that Tom and Daisy were “careless people” who destroyed others’ lives and “retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness.” Nick refers to Tom and Daisy Buchanan as careless people because he’s witnessed them ruin lives and simply disappear by hiding behind their wealth.
How does Nick feel about Daisy and Gatsby?
Nick also views Daisy as a corrupt, self-centered woman who “smashed up things” and left others to clean up the mess. Nick is disgusted by Daisy’s treatment of Gatsby and knows she blamed him for Myrtle’s death. Although she is unfaithful to Tom, she looks to him for support when her situation becomes dire.