Does daisy love gatsby or tom?

Daisy loves neither Tom nor Gatsby. Daisy has chosen Tom, though. She chose Tom then, and she has indirectly chosen Tom now.

There are many reasons why this may be the case. One reason is that Tom is a more stable and reliable person than Jay. He has a steady job and is not as flashy or showy as Jay. Daisy may have been drawn to these qualities in Tom and felt that he would be a more reliable partner.

Another thing we asked ourselves was, why does Daisy choose Tom over Gatsby?

” Although Gatsby could have offered Daisy a variety of things such as romance, love and excitement, she ultimately chose Tom because of her selfishness. She grew up with old money, security and freedom and was not willing to give it all up for love .

Does Gatsby Really Love Daisy, and if so why?

No, she does not. Gatsby is not actually in love with Daisy either. He is in love with the idea of Daisy. Daisy is materialistic. She stays married to her rich husband even though she is aware of his affairs. Out of convenience. He offers her financial security and social status. Gatsby is a way to get back at her husband for cheating on her.

Daisy openly admits to loving both Tom and Gatsby, and the flashback scene suggests she really did love Gatsby before she married Tom. Gatsby is in love with Daisy, but he loves her more for her status and what she represents to him (old money, wealth, the American Dream). Does Daisy fall in love with Gatsby?

Why does Gatsby insist that Daisy never loved Tom?

Because that is a crucial piece to his vision of he and Daisy being together, that there was never an interruption in their love. What happens on the way home from New York? Daisy hits Mrytle and kills her. How does Tom react to the death of Myrtle? He is shocked and blames Gatsby.

One answer is that they were gone, without a sound, snapped out, made accidental, isolated like ghosts even from our pity. I think that Tom does this because he is arrogant and self assured. When he tells Daisy to go with Gatsby, he says that Gatsby knows that their “flirtation” is over.

Gatsby fails to convince Daisy Buchanan to leave her husband, Tom, because Tom reveals how Gatsby made his fortune. Daisy tells Tom that she is going to leave him, but then Tom says he found out Gatsby and his crony, Meyer Wolfsheim, purchased a bunch of drug-stores so that they could sell grain alcohol over the counter.

What is the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy?

Relationship between Gatsby and Daisy Introduction The relationship between Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan is an exceptionally secretive one since Nick knows nothing about it until, in section four of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jordan reveals to Nick the story she thinks about how Jay and Daisy met.

What is the true relationship between Daisy and Tom?

Tom and Daisy’s relationship was solely based upon money and social status. Their relationship lacked true love, happiness and respect for one another. Daisy was just an object to Tom and Tom was just a man who could provide Daisy with the lavish and extravagant lifestyle that she was accustomed to.