Why does daisy offer tom a gold pencil?

Daisy has transformed from being embarrassed and upset by her husband’s infidelity to feeling confident and secure in her relationship with Jay Gatsby, which is why she casually offers Tom a gold pencil to write down a random woman’s address.

– Daisy gives Tom her “little gold pencil” to take down any addresses of the people he talks to. She knows he’s going to talk to a girl and gold pencil represents the corrupt intentions Dan Cody.

Why did Daisy leave Tom after a few years?

Daisy came from a wealthy family and married into another wealthy family, which means Daisy, despite not loving Tom after a few years, felt comfortable in this arrangement. Gatsby’s love could not give Daisy the security and safety that she needed to leave her loveless marriage with Tom Buchanan.

A frequent question we ran across in our research was “Did Daisy love Tom in the Great Gatsby?”.

Unfortunately, soon afterward, Tom has a minor traffic accident where it is revealed that he was with one of the maids from the hotel. From Jordan Baker’s description, it appears that she did love Tom before she had their daughter, but after discovering his many affairs, perhaps she no longer did.

Another thing we wondered was, why did Daisy wait so long to marry Tom Buchanan?

Daisy waited several years for Jay Gatsby to come back. Meanwhile, she was being pressured by her family to marry, and when Gatsby didn’t return soon enough as promised, she found it easier to marry Tom Buchanan than to wait any longer. If Daisy was so in love with Tom, why did she have an affair with Jay Gatsby?

What did Tom say to Daisy at the dance?

“Old sport, the dance is unimportant.” He wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: “I never loved you.” After she had obliterated three years with that sentence they could decide upon the more practical measures to be taken.

What does the color yellow mean in the Great Gatsby?

The colours of gold and/or yellow symbolize wealth, or more specifically, ‘old money’. Daisy acquired plenty of ‘old money’ and the respecting status when she married Tom Buchanan. In giving the gold pencil to Tom, Daisy perhaps wanted to look more sophisticated than she actually was, and show people that she was of ‘old money’.

Yet another question we ran across in our research was “What did Gatsby give tuolomee when he left?”.

You see, a few days later he took him to Duluth and bought him a blue coat, six pair of white duck trousers and a yachting cap. And when the Tuolomee left for the West Indies and the Barbary Coast Gatsby left too.