Does a peace lily need a lot of light?

Peace Lilies are easy to take care of, and they don’t require a lot of light. They can thrive in moderate to medium light with no problems with their flowers or leaves. Can Peace Lilies live in the shade? Peace Lilies favor light partial shade and can endure fluorescent lights.

The most common answer is; peace lilies generally thrive as indoor houseplants. As the tropical region is their natural habitat, they are used to about 12 hours of light per day, but they appreciate just a bit more light in the growing season. Their sunlight requirements make placement in an east-facing window ideal.

What kind of light does a peace lily need?

Take the plant indoors when night temperatures drop to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. In fall and winter, peace lilies need low to moderate light. A light fixture with one or two fluorescent bulbs hung 6 to 12 inches above the plant provides enough light for winter care. Put the light on a timer, if necessary, to provide 16 to 18 hours of light daily.

The next thing we asked ourselves was: what is the best light for a peace lily?

Domino Peace Lily performs perfectly in fluorescent light, such as office buildings or entrances or anywhere far from direct sunlight. The Sensation Peace Lily stands low light but would rather like moderate light. A few additional ideas to take a look at: mauna loa peace lily, or sweet pablo peace lily.

Do peace lilies need a lot of light?

Since peace lilies don’t need much light to survive, it’ll be fine to keep them in low indirect light when necessary. The plant might grow stronger if it’s placed in bright indirect sunlight, though. You simply have to make sure not to put the plant in direct sunlight. Doing so will cause the plant to get scorched and it might not survive.

Do peace lilies need sunlight?

Yes, Peace Lilies do need sunlight. That said, they do favor indirect sunlight. In their natural habitat, they receive dappled sunlight on the forest floor, so exposure to direct sunlight can, in fact, harm your Peace Lily.

Peace Lilies will let you know if they’re getting too much light, as the leaves will begin to turn yellow and curl below. The full outdoor sun may possibly trigger leaves to burn, causing black necrotic spots. So if you put your Peace Lilies in the open for the summertime, put them in at least mild shade.