Do lilies of the valley spread?

Lily of the valley reproduces by spreading rhizomes and you must carefully supervise it so it doesn’t escape its boundaries. Lily of the valley can quickly spread and overtake a large area and may end up choking out other plants in its vicinity.

What do lilies of the valley mean?

Lily of the valley has represented different things across the centuries. In the Victorian era, it symbolized a return to happiness. In ancient times it was associated with humility and purity, as well as the goddess Ostara (from whose name we get our modern Easter).

Are lilies of the valley aggressive?

Warning: Lily of the valley is known to be a very aggressive spreader. Plant with caution! Lily of the valley blooms are bell-shaped and appear as a cluster on one side of a leafless stalk and last for about three weeks.

How do you keep Lily of the valley from spreading?

Another way to limit the spread of this plant is by growing it in a sunny area. Since lily of the valley is a shade lover, full sun will slow its growth rate. Should you find lily of the valley is still invasive in the garden, you can always dig it up.

Is Lily of the valley a spreading plant?

Lily of the valley is a low-growing (6 to 12 inches tall), spreading plant that comes up year after year in late spring. The genus Convallaria includes a single species, C. Majalis, which is among the most useful ground covers for shade. Warning: Lily of the valley is known to be a very aggressive spreader.

What are Lily of the valley’s uses?

Lily of the valley is regarded as a cardiac tonic. , and treats depression. A few additional items to look into: manages urinary tract infection, manages digestion, treats chronic lung diseases, or improves cognitive function.

This of course begs the question “What does Lily of the valley stand for?”

This flower symbolises absolute purity, youth, sincerity, and discretion. But most importantly, it symbolises happiness. This joyful symbolism means that it’s very important to give someone you love a bunch of lilies of the valley on the 1st of May.

You may be asking “What are the characteristics of a lily of the valley?”

Lily-of-the-Valley bears dainty white flowers with a strong, sweet perfume in spring. It can be an aggressive groundcover given the right conditions of part shade and rich, moist soil, but it may struggle in warmer conditions of Zones 6 and 7., and deer resistant. Prefers part shade.

Song of Solomon 2:1–4 (NAS): I am the rose of Sharon, The lily of the valleys. Like a lily among the thorns, So is my darling among the maidens. Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, So is my beloved among the young men. In his shade I took great delight and sat down, And his fruit was sweet to my taste.

Can Lily of the Valley grow in shade?

Lily of the valley will grow vigorously in almost any spot with some shade. In fact, gardeners commonly use it under trees where many other plants won’t grow due to the shade. But you have to be careful when planting it that it won’t escape its designated bounds. Lily of the valley can quickly spread and overtake a large area.