What to do when an orchid loses its flowers?

Return to your regular watering and fertilizing schedule. There is no concrete rule on watering orchids, and it’s very easy to over-water the plants. The American Orchid Society recommends only watering when the soil has dried out. Water by placing your plant in the sink and running the water for about a minute. You should fertilize your orchid about every 2 weeks.

Use a sterile razor blade and cut the flower spikes, and dispose it after use. Alternatively, you can use alcohol to disinfect the cutting tool. Repot the plant. Once the roots start growing over the pots, you have to repot them. Watering and fertilizing. When orchids stop flowering, they rest before resuming flower production.

Orchid plants like tight fits inside pots, but when their roots start growing up and over pot rims, it is time to repot them. Wait until your orchid stops flowering and all the blooms have fallen to remove the plant from its old pot and pot it into a slightly larger container.

One article stated that you need to run it like this: immediately after the end of flowering, reduce the frequency and abundance of watering, with drying of the substrate;adhere to a moderate irrigation regime until the appearance of their own roots in young growth;after the formation of roots on young growths, increase watering, but avoiding waterlogging;More items.

How to get orchids to rebloom?

Protect your orchid from drafts. Inventory all exterior doors, heating, and cooling vents and heat sources (wood-burning stoves)., and regulate watering. Irregular watering is a sure way to shrivel orchid buds. A couple additional items to look into are: be aware of pollutants, take a break from fertilizer, or orchids are sensitive to pollution.

Do orchids regrow flowers?

After the flowers have faded away, orchids will regrow and rebloom. All that is required is that you provide proper care for them in order for them to rebloom year after year. How do you fertilize Cattleya? That is, once a week, feed them a conventional 10-10-10 fertilizer at half strength or a 20-20-20 fertilizer at quarter strength, depending.