Where do tom and daisy go in chapter 9?

Tom and Daisy leave in Chapter IX because they have no reason to stay . They left town shortly after Tom had revealed the source of Gatsby ‘s fortune to Daisy during the big blow up in New York City. Nick had seen the couple, that same night, sharing a late Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more.

Another common question is “Why did Daisy choose Tom in the end?”.

In The Great Gatsby, Daisy chooses Tom in the end because his wealth is more secure than Gatsby’s. Daisy recognizes that she will never lose her wealth or social status as Tom’s wife, and she is not willing to risk her luxurious lifestyle for Gatsby. Hover for more information. Who are the experts?

What is the true relationship between Daisy and Tom?

Tom and Daisy’s relationship was solely based upon money and social status. Their relationship lacked true love, happiness and respect for one another. Daisy was just an object to Tom and Tom was just a man who could provide Daisy with the lavish and extravagant lifestyle that she was accustomed to.

Does Nick tell Tom and Daisy about Gatsby’s death?

Nick already knows that Gatsby has lost the fight for Daisy, and she and Tom will stay together. After Gatsby’s death at the hand of Wilson, Nick calls to Tom and Daisy’s house to tell them about Gatsby, but they have already left, taking baggage with them and leaving no forwarding address.

Why did Gatsby and Daisy break up?

Daisy was born into extreme wealth and has the shallowness to show for it. The whole reason Daisy didn’t marry Gatsby years before was because he did not have money and therefore “had no real right to touch her hand” (156). Even after Gatsby accumulated enough wealth to satisfy her, Daisy still did not love him.

What does Nick do in Chapter 9 of the Great Gatsby?

In chapter 9 of the story, after Gatsby ‘s death, it falls to Nick to “telephone news of the catastrophe ” to all the villages in West Egg and all of Gatsby’s acquaintances.

Where does Nick run into Tom in the Great Gatsby?

Nick later runs into Tom on Fifth Avenue in New York City, presumably where Tom and Daisy ran the day of Gatsby death. Nick’s comment about them sums it up:.

Why does Gatsby stop giving parties Quizlet?

Because they were for Gatsby and Daisy to get closer, but now that they are closer there is no need to give parties. When does Tom first realize that Daisy loves Tom? When they make deep eye contact before they left for New York City.