Why do water lilies have stomata at the top?

We know that the leaves of water lilies float. Hence, if the leaves of water lilies would have stomata on their lower side, then they would have been pressed against the water surface. As a result, the stomata would not be able to take in carbon dioxide from air.

Water lilies have a number of adaptations that help them survive in water, including big leaves that float on the water’s surface to attract ample sunlight for photosynthesis. The top side of the leaf is covered with a cuticle to keep it as dry as possible, and the underside has thorns to protect against predators.

One of the next things we wanted the answer to was, how do water lilies grow in ponds?

Water lilies grow in ponds where their leaves generally float directly on the surface of the water or slightly above it. To thrive in this environment, like all plants, they have developed specialized features, such as to grow stomata on top of their leaves .

My water lilies have lots of leaves but no flowers., and what’s wrong? A: Those lily pads may provide much-needed shade and protection to your pond’s underwater inhabitants, but if the plants lack those beautiful pink, peach, yellow and white flowers, that could be a sign that something’s amiss.

Where are the stomata located in aquatic plants?

The stomata are located only on the upper part of leaves in aquatic species like water lily (​ Nymphaea ​ spp.). Other aquatic plant species, like seagrass, do not have stomata.

How do Stomata help plants survive in the desert?

In plants like cacti that are adapted to dry environments, stomata are often located on the lower part of the leaves. This helps reduce water loss ; the underside of the leaves is shielded from direct sun and usually cooler than the upper side. Some plants that live in the desert open their stomata only during the night, when temperatures are lower.

What are the leaves of a water lily called?

The floating leaf of a water lily ( Nymphaea odorata ) facing downward to show the attachment of the leaf stalk near the centre of the leaf. The genus Nymphaea makes up the water lilies proper, or water nymphs, with 46 species. The common North American white water lily, or pond lily, is Nymphaea odorata.

Water Lily Characteristics have round notched foliage with long stalks. The feature like it stays in water & flower leaves floats on water. Water lily are the most beautiful aquatic plants with large green leaves.

Why are the leaves on my Water Lily turning brown?

Water lily leaves may turn brownish if the water is too shallow and the leaves dry out. Generally, the leaves regain their greenish color when the water is the correct depth. Water lilies prefer a depth of 18 to 30 inches (45-75 cm.), with 10 to 18 inches (25-45 cm.) of water above the roots.