Rose water is a flavored and scented water made by steeping fresh rose petals in water. It is used in a wide range of culinary applications, including drinks, baked goods, and other desserts, especially in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Asian cuisines.
When I was reading we ran into the inquiry “What kind of roses are used for rose water?”.
Some have found that old roses are often noted for their fine perfume. Historically, the roses that have been most used for the production of rose water have been the centifolia rose and the damask rose. The damask rose (Rosa damascena) was cultivated in Bulgaria, Persia, and India for making otto (a. k. a. attar) of roses because it is highly fragrant.
The best roses for making rosewater are the Rosa damascena, Rosa centifolia and Rosa gallica. All three of these rose species is edible. You can use the wild rose called rosa rugosa.
Can you make rose water from old roses?
With large rose shrubs, you can collect basketfuls of flowers for rose water or potpourri all at once. Old roses are often noted for their fine perfume. Historically, the roses that have been most used for the production of rose water have been the centifolia rose and the damask rose.
There are a number of different ways that you can make rose water. You can use fresh or dried rose petals, as long as they are grown without pesticides or herbicides in a nice and healthy organic garden. Rosewater can be made on the stovetop by steeping the petals in distilled water.
What goes well with rose water?
Rose water goes well with strawberries and other tart fruits that balance out its sweet smell and flavor, Vasavada says. For example, her raspberry rose rhubarb cheesecake tart has 1 teaspoon of rose water in the crust and 2 teaspoons in the filling.
To keep your rose water for longer, you may want to add a preservative, like vodka. Follow the instructions of your chosen method for all other steps. Cool and store in the refrigerator to keep your rose water even longer.
This of course begs the inquiry “How do you infuse rose water?”
To infuse rose water, follow these steps: Rinse your rose petals if they are fresh to get rid of any dirt or bugs that may be on them. Put the petals in a pot and pour water over them, just enough to cover the petals. Bring the water to a simmer, then turn the heat so it’s just below a simmer.
What is the most fragrant rose water?
Sharon is a largely self-taught herbalist who has been growing and studying herbs and making herbal preparations for several decades. Old-fashioned roses, like the damask rose, make the most fragrant rose waters and potpourris.